April 22, 2017
Thank you for the opportunity to speak at this incredible
event. And let us all give the organizers a big round of applause for bringing
us together today, in celebration of science, and in defense of science. Today I marched as a woman, as a mother to four little people, and
most importantly, today I marched as a climate scientist.
These days, people ask me how I get out of bed in the
morning. And I’ll be honest with you – there were some dark days last year when
I didn’t. How could I? Temperatures around the globe soared to a staggering new record, in the process killing 85% of the corals at my long-time, beloved research site. Words cannot describe the shock and sadness of diving on these reefs,
digesting the fact that a climate future I thought was decades away is here,
today, threatening not just coral reefs around the world, but human health,
prosperity, and well-being.
The good news is that science can tell us how to tackle
climate change. The bad news is that many powerful forces are aligned against
science, robbing every single American of their right to a sustainable and
prosperous future.
The long arc of human history is inseparable from the
cumulative benefits of science, yet we find ourselves at a pivotal point: are we going to unleash the full power of the
scientific enterprise to safeguard our future, or are we going to turn our
backs on science, its many lessons, and its infinite promise? And guess what? Like
it or not, this showdown is happening on our watch.
But, if we are going to fight for facts, and data, and
truth, and justice, then we’re going to need ALL hands on deck. And I mean ALL hands. We’re going to need all
the black people and the brown people and the gay people and the trans people
and the native people and the Muslim people and the immigrant people and the
disabled people. Your cause is our cause. We’re going to need the PhDs and the
GEDs, the atheists and the evangelicals, the rich and the poor, the lifetime
activists and the newbies. And yes, we need the women. We need EVERYONE.
And our goal can’t just be change in Washington DC. It has
to be about change in our homes, in our neighborhoods, our city, and our state.
And it’s not just about election day. It’s about every day. Engagement is a
powerful anti-depressant. Trust me. But science tells us that it’s most
effective if you take it every day.
Today, the powerful forces that are fighting against science,
against a sustainable, just future for this great country are scared. Because they
are counting on us to remain silent, and afraid, and most of all, they are
counting on us to remain divided. So I ask you to join hands with your
neighbor, whether they are part of your family or a perfect stranger, and raise
all your arms into the air. Are you ready to turn the page? Are you ready to
fight for science, and facts, and truth? Are you ready to rise up, together, to
translate hope into action? Then let's do this. Thank you for being here.